When the nose sets the tone: 21 hunting dogs in portrait | with pictures

Are you looking for a faithful companion on four paws? Then you know that there are a variety of dog breeds, all with their own individual traits and needs. Especially for dogs with a pronounced hunting instinct, it is important to make the right choice. Because this instinct can quickly get out of control and lead to trouble. A dog with a strong hunting instinct needs a lot of exercise, mental challenges and a clear education.
Below, we introduce you to 20 dog breeds with a strong hunting instinct and explain which breed best suits you and your circumstances.



Did you know that the Beagle was originally bred as a hunting dog to track down rabbits and hares? This little dog has a strong hunting instinct and loves to follow tracks. Once a Beagle picks up a scent, it can be difficult to get him off it.

However, he is also an extremely content dog that integrates well in a family with children and other pets. The Beagle is a bright and lively dog that needs a lot of exercise and mental occupation. Those who provide him with these and train him consistently will be rewarded with a loyal companion who can also live happily in the city.

Worth knowing: Our article The influence of hunting instinct on dog trainingOpens in a new tab.. Read all the background on this topic!

Basset Hound

Basset Hound

The Basset Hound is known for its long, floppy ears and unique gait. However, due to their particular posture, they can only walk very slowly. Although they are often kept as companion dogs, Basset Hounds also have a strong hunting instinct, as they were originally bred to hunt rabbits and hares.

Because of their sense of smell and stocky body, they are very effective hunting dogs. For dog owners who enjoy spending time outdoors and are looking for a breed with a strong hunting instinct, the Basset Hound is a good choice. However, they must always keep an eye on their dogs to make sure they do not go hunting unsupervised.



Bloodhounds are known for their exceptional ability to track and detect scents, hence their name. With their sensitive sense of smell and keen endurance, they are ideal for hunting wild animals or even missing persons. Their hunting instinct is strong and requires a high level of training and attention from their owners.

Despite their hunting abilities, Bloodhounds are also very popular as family dogs and are known for their calm and gentle nature. If they get enough exercise and attention, they are content and happy in a loving home.



Dachshunds are very popular with many people. They come in different sizes: Standard, Dwarf and Rabbit. Despite their small body size, Dachshunds have a strong hunting instinct and are particularly specialized in hunting badgers. This is where the English name dachshound comes from. This hunting instinct can cause Dachshunds to unintentionally chase wildlife or get on the scent of other animals. As an owner of a Dachshund, you should therefore make sure that you always supervise your dog well when outdoors.

Despite their strong hunting instincts, Dachshunds are loving and loyal companions who make their owners happy and content.

English Springer Spaniel

English Springer Spaniel

English Springer Spaniels have been firmly established as hunting dogs since the 16th century. They are excellent scent hounds due to their strong hunting instinct and keen sense of smell. They are often used for hunting birds and rabbits.

However, they are just as suitable as family dogs, as they enjoy being with people and other dogs due to their friendly and lively nature. It is important that they get enough exercise and activity to be content and happy. Some English Springer Spaniels can be prone to hip and elbow dysplasia, so it is important to have them checked regularly by a veterinarian.



A Foxhound is used not only for hunting, but also for rescue operations. This breed of dog has a strong hunting instinct and is often used to hunt foxes. Foxhounds are known for their endurance and ability to run long distances to hunt prey. Because of their strong hunting instinct, they require a lot of exercise and should only be kept in an environment where they are safe and under control. It is important that the Foxhound be well exercised and kept sufficiently busy to remain happy and healthy.

Foxhounds are friendly and sociable animals that are open-minded towards people and other dogs and behave in a carefree manner.



The name Harrier is a shortening of the English name Hare-Hound. Harriers have been bred for hunting for centuries. The breed is one of the rarest in the world.
The Harrier is a passionate hunter and has a strong hunting instinct embedded in his genes. This means that he instinctively tracks and pursues game. Therefore, the Harrier needs a lot of exercise and mental stimulation. Deneben he is an excellent companion dog, as long as he gets enough exercise.
If you have or are considering a Harrier as a pet, be prepared to keep it adequately occupied and exercised.

Ibizan Hound

Ibizan Hound

The Ibizan Hound is a unique breed of dog with prominent, pointed ears that look a bit like airplane wings. It has been known in Egypt since at least 5000 BC. The Ibizan Hound was primarily bred to hunt rabbits and other small animals. It is very fast and its strong hunting instinct must be well controlled by its owner.

Although the Ibizan Hound is very independent, he can be affectionate and loyal if raised in a loving environment. With enough exercise and activity, he is a contented and balanced dog.

Irish Setter

Irish Setter

Irish Setters are known not only for their beauty and elegance, but also for their ability to track and hunt wild birds. This breed has a strong hunting instinct and is a natural at chasing birds. Irish Setters need plenty of exercise and attention. They are intelligent and eager to learn, which makes them excellent hunting and companion dogs.

If they get enough exercise and attention, Irish Setters are happy, content and joyful. They are also known for their love of people and their ability to get along well with children.

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terriers are small, energetic dogs with a strong hunting instinct. This breed was bred by the English priest John Russell to hunt foxes.

Despite their small size, Jack Russell Terriers are very bold and confident dogs known for their stamina and lively nature. Due to their hunting instincts, Jack Russell Terriers should always be kept on a leash when around wildlife to ensure the safety of both humans and animals.

Jack Russell Terriers are happy dogs when they get enough exercise and activity, whether it's long walks or playful romps.

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retriever

Labrador Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. This breed was originally bred as a retriever and has a strong hunting instinct. Their nose is extremely sensitive and their intelligence and willingness to learn are remarkable. Labrador Retrievers are not only excellent hunting and working dogs, but also loving and loyal family companions.

Funnily enough, Labrador Retrievers are also known to love water. When swimming, they use a so-called "otter technique" and use their tail like a rudder to move around.

However, as a prospective or current dog owner, you should be aware that these dogs need a lot of exercise and may become unhappy if not kept busy.

Magyar Vizsla

Magyar Vizsla

Magyar Vizsla originated in Hungary and were bred as versatile hunting dogs. Their strong hunting instinct is one of the most noticeable characteristics of this dog breed. As avid hunters, they are able to work in rough terrain and also retrieve game while swimming. They are very loyal to their owners and are also suitable as companion dogs.

Magyar Vizslas are full of energy and need a lot of exercise. Due to their high intelligence and trainability, they are able to perform many tasks and often succeed in various dog sports. When choosing a Magyar Vizsla as a pet, be aware that they need plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to be happy and balanced.

Pharaoh Hound

Pharaoh Hound

Pharaoh Hounds are considered one of the oldest dog breeds in the world and can trace their origins back to ancient Egypt. Due to their strong hunting instincts, Pharaoh Hounds are very lively and active dogs. They were originally bred as hunting dogs and have an innate instinct that drives them to hunt and kill their prey.

It is important that they receive enough physical and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. Pharaoh Hounds may not be the best choice for inexperienced dog owners due to their independent nature and strong hunting instincts. But for experienced owners who are willing to give them the attention and exercise they need, they can be loyal, loving and faithful companions.



Pointers are a breed of dog with a special gift that has also earned them the name "pointing dogs". They are known for their ability to find and indicate game birds by pointing their nose and body at the target. A trait that is due to their strong hunting instinct.

This drive is particularly strong in this dog breed and requires consistent training. Pointers need a lot of exercise and mental challenge to be content and happy. As a future or already experienced dog owner, you should therefore study the breed in detail and consider well in advance whether you can meet the requirements of a Pointers.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Rhodesian Ridgebacks are a unique breed of dog known for their distinctive dorsal crest. Did you know that this breed originated in Zimbabwe and was first bred by the Khoikhoi, an indigenous people in South Africa? Rhodesian Ridgebacks are also known as lion dogs because of their ability to hunt game. Their hunting instinct is very strong, so they need a lot of physical activity and mental stimulation to feel content and happy.

These dogs are very loyal and are often used as guard dogs, as they are protective by nature. It is important to train and socialize them from a young age to ensure a happy coexistence with other animals and people.



Because of their past as desert hunters, Salukis have a strong hunting instinct and a strong will. Their abilities make them great hunters, but also demanding pets that need a lot of exercise and physical activity.

Despite their original use as hunting dogs, Salukis can also be wonderful companions who show loyalty and affection to their owners. If you are planning to keep a Saluki as a pet, it is important that you understand the needs of this particular breed to ensure that they remain happy and healthy.

Scottish Terrier

Scottish Terrier

This breed of dog, also known as "Scotties", is known for their strong hunting instincts, due to their past as rat and fox hunters. They are brave and independent dogs that can also be used as guard dogs. Despite their diminutive size, they have a lot of energy and need plenty of daily exercise and mental stimulation.

Scottish Terriers are a good choice for dog owners who are looking for an active and loyal companion. It is important to consider their hunting instincts and train them to keep them under control if necessary. With good training and lots of love, Scottish Terriers make content and loyal pets.

Shar Pei

Shar Pei

Shar-Pei are dogs with a distinctive wrinkling that gives them a unique appearance. They originated in China where they were used as farm dogs and herding dogs. Shar Pei have a strong hunting instinct and therefore need to be trained consistently to ensure good behavior. They are also known for their loyalty and protective instincts, which makes them great guard dogs.

However, due to their wrinkled nature, Shar-Pei are prone to skin problems and require special care. When considering a Shar-Pei as a pet, it is important to learn about their special needs to ensure they can live a healthy and happy life.

Shetland Sheepdog

Shetland Sheepdog

The Shetland Sheepdog, also known as the Sheltie, is a breed in its own right, but is often confused with the Collie. However, the Sheltie is smaller and has a pronounced hunting behavior.

The Sheltie is an intelligent and active dog with a pronounced hunting instinct. This characteristic should be taken into account when keeping the dog to avoid unwanted behavior. However, with sufficient activity and training, the Shetland Sheepdog can be a loyal and obedient companion.

The breed is especially suitable for sporty people or families with children who are willing to spend time with the dog and give him enough exercise. Sheltie is known for its friendly and affectionate nature, which makes many owners very satisfied.

Spanish water dog

Spanish water dog

The Spanish Water Dog originally did its work helping fishermen on the Spanish coast. Even today he likes to swim and retrieve. The fuzzy appearance is characteristic of water dogs.

The Spanish Water Dog is considered intelligent, alert and loyal to his family. His studious and playful nature makes him an ideal family dog that likes to be challenged and is content when given a meaningful task to complete. However, be aware that the Spanish Water Dog needs plenty of exercise and activity due to his high energy level.



An interesting characteristic of the Weimaraner is its blue eye color, which, however, rarely occurs. The Weimaraner has a strong hunting instinct and is a good companion for people who enjoy being outdoors. They are intelligent, energetic and eager to work and are well suited for hunting, but also for other activities such as agility or Frisbee.

It is important to take their hunting instinct into account when training a Weimaraner and give them clear boundaries. When they are busy, they are content and happy dogs.

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