Looking into the deep, bright eyes of a long-haired dog can evoke a very special feeling of warmth and happiness. The beauty of long, silky dog hair, which in the sun...
Tag: Hair
21 dog breeds that stink little: The ultimate list for sensitive noses | with pictures
You are thinking about getting a dog, but you shy away from a strong-smelling pet? Then you are exactly right with us! We have researched for you and present...
Are you looking for a new four-legged family member that sheds little hair or is hypoallergenic? We introduce you to 15 medium-sized dog breeds that are known to shed less hair and...
From clothes to car: the ultimate guide to removing dog hair
Are you a dog lover, but every time despair of all the dog hair that accumulates everywhere in your home? Then you are not alone! Removing dog hair can be a real...
Dogs for allergy sufferers: discover the 19 best breeds for you | with pictures
Welcome to the ultimate guide for all dog lovers with pet hair allergy! If you have always dreamed of having a four-legged friend, but your allergy has prevented you from...
Are you looking for a dog that does not shed or only a little and is therefore suitable for allergy sufferers? Or do you simply want to avoid daily vacuuming? Then you are exactly right with us!In...