Sniffer dogs are true masters of their trade, their fine nose is irreplaceable in many areas. But how do dogs become such specialists? Here you can learn what dog handlers need to know when training...
Tag: Education
Muzzle training without stress: the step by step guide for your dog
A relaxed and successful muzzle training is very important for dogs. Not only for the safety of your dog, but also for everyday life in the city and when traveling. We will show you...
Muzzle for the dog - yes or no? This question is asked by many dog owners and the answer is not always easy. Many dog owners are skeptical, but there are good reasons for...
The 6 most common dog socialization mistakes and how to avoid them.
Successful socialization of the dog is essential for a harmonious coexistence between man and dog. Lack of socialization can lead to behavior problems and even aggressiveness....
Puppy socialization made easy: step-by-step guide to successful dog socialization in puppyhood.
Socialization in puppyhood is one of the most important phases in your dog's life. During this time, the foundation for his later behavior is laid. Good socialization ensures...
Dogs are social creatures that crave interaction and companionship. Therefore, it is important to give them the opportunity to build relationships with conspecifics. When dogs interact with each other...